Less known hygiene habits

What is your lesser-known hygiene habits

I’ve been doing this since I saw it on TikTok: every morning, after using a cotton pad to apply toner to my face, I turn the pad over and use it behind my ears. Although very disgusting, the sebum that drips over the pad is nevertheless gratifying. Since we perspire and become greasy while we sleep, it makes sense to do it in the morning. Making this habit has made my ears feel cleaner.

I use glycolic acid for this. Turn the cotton pad over and apply it to your elbows and under your arms as well.

I wet a q-tip with glycolic acid and clean both behind and the exterior of my ears every other night!

My pits stay incredibly dry all day long thanks to the witch hazel or tea tree oil I applied. Prior to that, my pits would constantly be drenched no matter how much deodorant I applied, but that is no longer the case.

I also use witch hazel in this way. I need to clean my ears like this before I feel clean.

For this, I use micellar water. However, after using micellar water, I wipe it with a microfiber towel and water again. It feels so much more new.

I love cleaning my ears. I get in the little section below the top and it’s so satisfying :joy: and the backs! I know that’s gross but hey keeping my body clean. I also love to get the back of my neck. A lot of sweat and grossness gets back there!

I’ve always used my fingers to apply toner because that’s how I was instructed to do it. Is this incorrect? Oh

This is what I always do. My skincare regimen (washing, toner, masks, moisturizer, etc.) includes my neck and ears not only for hygienic reasons but also since those are the areas where the earliest indications of aging begin.

When acne flares up, use clean t-shirts as pillowcases rather than purchasing numerous pillowcases to replace them every day.

I rotate my pillow to get four sides out of it before replacing it with a fresh one.