I’ve noticed that I sometimes have body odor, and I’ve been trying hard to prevent it. Recently, I started a new part-time job, and my coworkers have made comments like “I can smell her.” I feel like they’re talking about me since I’m the new person. They often chat about it.
After our shift, I asked one of my coworkers if I have body odor because I felt like they were referring to me. She said it’s just their humor and not to worry about it, but I’m still concerned and overthinking it.
I shower daily using antibacterial soap and apply glycolic acid to my armpits every day. I also use Nivea deodorant. I’m not sure what I’m doing wrong with my routine.
I also use Bath & Body Works’ Into The Night perfume, and I wonder if that might be causing the smell.
I think they might just be being mean. There’s no reason you should smell. You’re doing everything you can to prevent it.
Some people might have a distinct smell due to medical reasons, even after showering. However, it sounds like in this case, the coworkers are just being mean, especially since this issue only started after OP began working there.
It might be an inside joke, but it seems more like bullying to me. I hope they stop it soon.
If it is true, it’s probably not you, considering how careful you are with deodorant and showering. It might be your laundry. If you have a front-loading washer or if you’re not transferring your clothes from the washer to the dryer quickly enough, sometimes the laundry can develop a bad smell. In that case, it’s not you but your clothes.
It could also be due to animals or smoking. Sometimes people don’t realize they smell like their pets or, even worse, cat urine.
I was thinking the same thing! Some fabrics can hold onto smells, so adding a laundry sanitizer to your wash routine might help get rid of any musty odors in your clothes.
You might also try using a laundry sanitizer! It can neutralize odors and leave your clothes smelling fresh.