Ladies, please share your tips! I use a great razor, shave in the right direction, exfoliate, and apply after-shave products designed to prevent these issues, but I’m still struggling.
For those who use glycolic acid, do you apply it just once after shaving or continue using it for several days? I shave once a week and am specifically asking about the bikini area, as I don’t have problems elsewhere.
Always shave at the end of your shower or bath. The pores are more open, and the hair is much softer. I’ve been doing this for years and never had razor bumps until one day I was in a hurry and shaved without letting the hair soak first. My legs got so itchy that I vowed never to shave like that again. This tip applies to shaving the bikini area too. Always moisturize afterward.
For overall hair reduction, spearmint tea works wonders. It significantly reduces hair growth over time and thins it out.
Avoid wearing tights or any tight clothing after shaving, as this can cause ingrown hairs. Let your skin breathe. You can exfoliate the next day, which also helps prevent ingrown hairs.
It actually grows naturally where I live, so I use it fresh in tea or as dried leaves. But if you’re not fond of tea, you can also find it in capsule form or tea bags.